Thursday, February 28, 2013

you say potato, I say placenta

I am beyond alarmed that celebrities like Holly Madison and stupid January Jones think that placenta makes a nice little snack. I am fully aware that Holly Madison is no stranger to putting random items in her mouth but this is wayyyy too much! If I think this is a bad idea then people should reconsider their plans to take a bite out of the ole umbilical cord. As a reformed consumer of weird items, I draw the line at eating deodorant, glue, markers, stamp pads, and lady bugs. If you have to give in to the placenta craving, make sure to follow it up with a tasty gulp of colostrum and a chug of meconium. Time for lunch!


  1. I love reading your postings, always make me laugh!

  2. you have to say that since you are my mom :) But really why did I eat so many weird things as a child?

  3. Oh who knows, don't all children try weird things?Thank goodness, you did not continue eating weird things as an adult....OR DO YOU??????
