Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Catherine Zeta Jones called and wants her breakdown back

Ok I am one tired woman this week and would like a mini vacay sans any family or friends to just go away, read a little, watch CW shows, and nap. If all I need to do is pledge exhaustion to get a trip to the crazy bin for a week or two...I am in! Catherine Zeta Jones and Ashley Judd, pass a little crazy brew my way because I am ready to do what it takes to get a few hours of sleep and rest.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

debbie downer called and she wants her status update back

I pride myself on having a good Facebook post once in a while and nothing is worse than when you have a good convo going on your wall and someone interrupts with a debbie downer statement. If I am talking about celebrity nonsense please do not insert yourself into my conversation to tell me your kids are sick, your dog has the poops, or make a political comment. Save that serious business for a Fox tweet or knock it off. I do not want anything meaningful on my wall unless it is you commenting on me looking like I a lost a pound or two. If you think about uttering my kid is an honor student, Gaza Strip, or stomach bug....punch yourself in the face and unfriend me ASAP!